Open vacancies
Open job application (Seasons HR Management)

Thank you for your interest in Seasons HR Management and the job opportunities!
At the moment we have some vacancies open, did you check them out too? If you didn't find a job suitable for you among the open positions, send us your application and CV and we will get to know your profile and we will be in touch if there is a job that matches your skills.
As a company in the recruitment industry, we receive a significant number of open applications every month. So please pay attention to the careful application and writing of the application letter, so that we can best assess how your skills meet our/our customers' needs!
Points to consider in the application:
- In the CV, latest work experience first
- In the CV's work experience, open the job description clearly
- In your CV, please state how many hours you have worked/week or whether the job was full-time
- In your CV, please state your educational background and year of graduation
- Write an application letter or cover letter
Please follow our pages and also apply for newly opened searches!
Best regards,
recruitment team
Seasons HR Management
CV Tips from Seasons Experts
Despite the growing popularity of social media channels, the Curriculum Vitae (CV) remains one of the most important tools in job hunting. It briefly tells who you are, what you have done, and what you can do. Therefore, it is recommended to start your job search by creating or updating your CV. The most important feature of a CV is consistency. It is essential to be able to describe your skills in a way that makes it easy for the reader to understand your key skills and achievements. Therefore, keep the red thread with you when creating your CV, and you are already well on your way.
Be consistent and understandable
Clearly state your key skills and achievements. Always think about the reader - is it easy for them to follow?
Highlight the main points clearly
Contact information, language skills, work experience, and education are the backbone of every CV.
Don't forget your references
If you can get previous employers to provide a recommendation for your hiring, it will certainly get positive attention.
Remember the position you are applying for
Every job application and CV is best tailored for the specific position, so that you can sell your skills in the best possible way.